Transformers: Earth Wars v1.73.0.555 Mod Apk
Transformers: Earth Wars v1.73.0.555 Mod Apk |
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Name Games:Transformers: Earth
version :
Genre : Strategy
1. Skill / Mana / Energy Unlimited
Name Games:Transformers: Earth
version :
Genre : Strategy
1. Skill / Mana / Energy Unlimited
Transformers: Earth Wars v1.73.0.555 Mod Apk The fate of the earth is in your hands. Whose side are you on?
Arrange the ultimate team of legendary Transformers robots - including Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumblebee, Grimlock, Soundwave, Starscream & many more. Will you join the Decepticons or ally with the Autobots? Choose your side! Build an impenetrable base. Fight against enemy factions by defeating other players and attacking their base for energy stockpiling. Build the Space Bridge to summon reinforcements from Cybertron. Deploy Starscream for air strikes to destroy laser cannons, penetrate defenses with Optimus Prime ram attacks, or improve your team with the healing abilities of Ratchet Autobot.
The fate of the earth is in your hands.
● Fight as a Decepticons or Autobots
● Collect your favorite Transformers characters
● Build & improve base defense
● Attack enemy opponents
● Ally & chat with other players
● Fight with real people around the world
● Switch between bots & vehicles
● A new Teleport bot from Cybertron
● Determine the fate of planet Earth!
Megatron and the Decepticons attack team have attacked Earth, destroying the planet's natural resources to synthesize energon, the Transformers selected fuel. Optimus Prime has sent the Autobots tactical team to Earth, hoping to counter the threat of the Decepticon. The battle for Earth has begun. Whose side are you on?
1. Skill / Mana / Energy Unlimited
download Transformers: Earth Wars v1.73.0.555 Mod Apk
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